Episode 2 - Firearm Violence

Episode 2 - Firearm Violence
Ayesha Khan, Quincy Moore, Megan Ranney & Emmy Betz


  • Explain what it means to view firearm violence as a public health problem. 

  • Describe the roles of the emergency physician in addressing firearm violence.

  • Recognize that access to firearms make suicide attempts more likely to succeed.

  • Identify barriers to conducting research on firearm violence


Take-home points: 

  • As emergency physicians, we are directly exposed to the toll of firearm violence, but also uniquely positioned to address it.

  • Although mass shootings are a serious problem and attract a lot of media attention, the majority of firearm deaths in the USA are actually suicides.

  • Firearm violence is a public health problem like drunk driving, and needs to be addressed on multiple levels of prevention.

  • Research has been limited by political constraints on funding, and more data is needed to find the most effective solutions.


  • Risha Cohen

  • Vidya Eswaran

  • Erik Kramer

  • Aislinn D. Black


Dr Marian Emmy Betz is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and in the School of Public Health at the University of Colorado.  You may have seen her TedX talk on how to talk about guns and suicide which highlights her interests in both suicide prevention and injury prevention.  She also has an extensive research background.  

Dr Megan Ranney is an Associate Professor of both Emergency Medicine and Health Services Policy and Practice at Brown University.  She has an extensive research background and is the chief research officer for Affirm (The American Foundation for Firearm Injury Reduction in Medicine).